Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Pukey, bleaugh!

Oh dear Mamma Liz, someone has been a bit confession but dining room, kitchen and outside the back door all had small deposits a couple of days ago.
Maybe too much chicken?!  

Bad cat came calling today, stealing our biccies...we just hid in the front room until K chased it down the garden, then we stormed after just to make sure we scared it good n proper...

Cosy, snuggly warm when Ks at home...make her stay in more and not go out all the time, then we can snuggle up more...mmmmieouw-di-mieouw.

Although, mad woman K was dancing about like a loon in the front room last night,   <Ernie> I complained vociferously, but she just keep swaying and bobbing and blowing kisses, no extra food though.   <Eric> I hid and pretended to be an onion ring; that's in my new favourite box upstairs.

We're worried dancing lessons for puddytats might be next. Noooooooo!  We'll lead her a merry dance all over the house...although the christmas tree is now out of our reach so we will have to find other bits n bobs to play with.  More box climbing investigation maybe?!


  1. well done K chasing off bad cat! Ginger bad cat or mottled bad cat? Glad that you both helped her get rid of bad cat!Keep up the good work boyz and look after K.

  2. Mottled? Not sure, it's very quick out of the cat flap when it hears K coming!
